How to Be Romantic in Padua

How to Be Romantic in Padua

Padua, Prato della ValleThere are some places in the world that makes you think about love. Perfect places for your first kiss or just to walk around, holding his hand and hug him under the skylight.Padua is one of these places, as the city has some of the most romantic locations in Italy. Everyone who’s in love and plans a romantic holiday with his boyfriend are interested in finding the right that will create magical and unforgettable moments.

Padua for Lovers

There are so many things to do in Padua if you’re in love and, of course, this includes having a romantic dinner.So, keep on reading…today is the day to be romantic in Padua!

Loving in the Gardens

This is the most ancient botanical garden of the world and, when spring comes, it turns into one of the most favorite spots for Paduan lovers. Sit down on a bench between the fronds of a scented tree or near the pools of water lilies. This will definitely be the place for a kiss with a view. If you’re in love with Wisteria blossoms you can go to the Sociology Faculty gardens, not far from the Botanical garden. If you prefer a more contemporary skyline you should go, instead, to Parco Europa. Here, especially in the summer night, you can see some live concerts and have a proper romantic night.

Looking at Herons at Canale Battaglia

This is a hidden place especially loved by Padua’s people in love with nature. Walking along the Canale Battaglia will let you discover some curious and beautiful places away from the crowds of the city. Here you can find the Caves of Sant’Elena with its thermal waters and, if you like birdwatching, you can watch for herons.

Hugging Between the Statues of Prato della Valle

When the sun goes down, there is no perfect place to hug your man than Prato della Valle. The light of the moon and the stars of the night make this the finest romantic place in Padua.

Walking Holding His Hand

Riviera San Benedetto is the best place to take a romantic walk at the sunset. Enjoy the iron bridge, the Tadi Bridge and the view of the Specula. This is probably one of the most loved places by lovers that come here to promise their eternal love.

Kissing in front of a Famous Kiss

The Scrovegni Chapel is one of the most iconic places in Padua. In this chapel, there is Anna’s kiss to Joachim but the most famous kiss is the Judas Kiss. During your visit take your time to look at all the kisses that Giotto painted here. Some of these are among the most famous kisses of art history.

Looking at the Sunset

A few kilometers out of Padua you will arrive at the Euganean town Baone, where you’ll find Villa Beatrice D’Este. This amazing villa is located in the deep woods and will offer you a breathtaking view and an unforgettable sunset during summer time.

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